iPhone 3G give away! September 29, 2012 to November 30, 2012

I am giving away one iPhone 3G to one of my new Solavei customers. This give away event will run from September 29, 2012 till November 30, 2012. Everyone who signs up for Solavei phone service under my account during this time will be entered into the drawing. Solavei Pre-Paid Phone Service is $49 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network.

To sign up for this great and affordable cell service go to http://www.solavei.com/myers Once you have activated you service you will be automatically entered into my drawing. The drawing will be held on December 15, 2012. I will notify the winner by email. I will also post the winner’s first name and the city they live in here on my blog and on facebook.

The iPhone 3G will be a refurbished 8G phone. The winner will have the option to pick either a white or black iPhone.

If you are related to me, you will be ineligible to enter the drawing. You still can sign up for service I would love you have you as a customer. I just don’t want a conflict of interest on the drawing.

Hurry and sign up today! The drawing will be held regardless of how many people sign up.

Thank you and I look forward for you to join me on the Solavei network!

Race for the Cure – Evansville, IN

This past weekend Evansville, IN held their Race for the Cure 3K run. Andrea, her cousin Jess, Jess’s husband Bill, and I all participated. The girls ran while Bill and I walked the race.

The temperature was great in the upper 60s. Andrea and Jess finished the race right around thirty minutes. It took Bill and I right out an hour.

Race for the Cure is a great caused and we all had fun getting out and spending time with others who also feel the same.

I tracked my progress on my smartphone. My smartphone service is only $49 a month for unlimited talk, text and data on a 4G network through Solavei. If you would like to also have affordable cell service sign up today by clicking on this link!

The app I used to track my progress was Runtastic. I really like this app. Runtastic hooked up with my GPS and Google maps. It let me know who fast I was going and the change in elevation. Once the race was done I could go back and see the route we took and my progress. This app also enables you to hook up to a heart monitor if you have one. I don’t have one yet but I have seen some on the internet for right around $60 that are bluetooth capable. I am planning on buying one for me and Andrea here in the near future.

I encourage everyone to get out and do some exercise. It is great for your health both physically and mentally.

Find a cause you feel strongly about and get out and support it. Whether you do a race, help organize one of their functions, or donate money. You will feel great doing it.

And don’t forget come and join me on the Solavei network with your cell phone. Only $49 a month for talk, text, and data.

It is a Great Deal! I love the service and most importantly the PRICE!

Have a Great Week!


Bourbon Marinaded Salmon, Brown Rice, and Creamy Spinach Total Meal 608 Calories

Here is another meal Andrea and I per paired the other night. The bourbon marinade is a recipe that a chef in Jacksonville, FL gave me a few years ago. We really like it. It goes great on the Salmon and chicken too.

Bourbon Marinade

  • 1/2 cup of molasses
  • 1/2 cup of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger

I marinaded the salmon for about thirty minutes and then cooked it on the stove.

Here is the brake down on the calories for our dinner.

  • Marinaded Salmon – 398 calories
  • 1/2 cup of brown rice – 150 calories
  • 1/2 cup of creamy spinach – 60 calories
  • total calories – 608

I am also tracking my calorie intake on Lose It! It has helped me stay on track and realize how bad some of the food I have been eating are for me.

I really like using Lose It! because they have a mobile app that I can access on my Solavei cell phone. It really makes it easy to keep up with my weight loss progress. What I love about Solavei is that I can get unlimited talk, text, and data for only $49 a month and no contract! To get more information on how you too can get unlimited talk, text, and data for only $49 contact me.

Solavei Compensation Plan

I have been talking about Solavei for the last couple of weeks and I am really excited about Solavei. I truly believe this will be the vehicle I use to my financial freedom. Watch this video and decide if it is right for you. Sign up today!


Solavei Compensation Plan Overview from Solavei on Vimeo.

September 11, 2012

September 11, 2001 I cannot believe that is has been eleven years already. That day has been burned into my mind and I will never forget the horrible acts that were committed on that day. This is one of my favorite pictures from the scene. One lone cross standing amidst the rubble. The cross gave hope to many people that day. And I believe it was a sign from God whether people want to believe or not. Saying I am here and I am with you.

Everyone take care take some time out of your schedules to pray for our lost ones and to remember.

God bless and have a great day!

Race for the Cure Evansville, IN I will be there will You?

My wife Andrea challenged me to enter the Run for the Cure with her this year. I just started my weight loss journey a week ago and participating in a 5K run was not at the top of my list but I need to start somewhere. And I am one who does not turn away from a challenge.

I am putting out a challenge to everyone else out there who lives near the Evansville, IN to join us this year at the race. We would like to see ya. It is a great cause!

I will also post pictures and updates from the race here on my blog. So make sure you check back!

Race for the Cure information

  • Location: Evansville, IN
  • Date: Saturday September, 22 2012
  • Time: 0900

Registrar online at www.komenevansville.org

My Journey on the 17 Day Diet – Week 1 Video

Hey everyone I just finished my Video Blog on my progress for the first week on my journey to 200lbs. Please watch it and let me know what you think.


A Healthier Taco Salad

Andrea and I are trying different recipes to make our meals more interesting and to remain healthy in the process. Last night we threw together a Taco Salad and it was really good! The Taco Salad was very easy to put together and only had 354 calories. Total prep time was 25 minutes!

So here is whats in the Taco Salad:

  • Two cups of Salad Mix – 15 calories
  • 1/2 cup of Broccoli – 15 calories
  • 1/3 cup of Black Beans – 80 calories
  • 1/3 cup of Sweet Corn – 44 calories
  • 1/3 cup of Rotel – 40 calories
  • 4 oz. of chicken w/taco seasoning – 160 cal
  • Total calories – 354

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Don’t forget to follow my blog. There is a link on the right side of the page. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing your responses.