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Bourbon Marinaded Salmon, Brown Rice, and Creamy Spinach Total Meal 608 Calories

Here is another meal Andrea and I per paired the other night. The bourbon marinade is a recipe that a chef in Jacksonville, FL gave me a few years ago. We really like it. It goes great on the Salmon and chicken too.

Bourbon Marinade

  • 1/2 cup of molasses
  • 1/2 cup of soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger

I marinaded the salmon for about thirty minutes and then cooked it on the stove.

Here is the brake down on the calories for our dinner.

  • Marinaded Salmon – 398 calories
  • 1/2 cup of brown rice – 150 calories
  • 1/2 cup of creamy spinach – 60 calories
  • total calories – 608

I am also tracking my calorie intake on Lose It! It has helped me stay on track and realize how bad some of the food I have been eating are for me.

I really like using Lose It! because they have a mobile app that I can access on my Solavei cell phone. It really makes it easy to keep up with my weight loss progress. What I love about Solavei is that I can get unlimited talk, text, and data for only $49 a month and no contract! To get more information on how you too can get unlimited talk, text, and data for only $49 contact me.

September 11, 2012

September 11, 2001 I cannot believe that is has been eleven years already. That day has been burned into my mind and I will never forget the horrible acts that were committed on that day. This is one of my favorite pictures from the scene. One lone cross standing amidst the rubble. The cross gave hope to many people that day. And I believe it was a sign from God whether people want to believe or not. Saying I am here and I am with you.

Everyone take care take some time out of your schedules to pray for our lost ones and to remember.

God bless and have a great day!

Are you paying too much for unlimited talk, text, and data

For more information on how you can get unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network for $49 a month or even FREE click here and fill out my contact form.

DNC Delegates divided over adding GOD and Jerusalem to the platform

I am one who you will not hear to much from when it comes to politics. But I do believe in GOD, strong family values, and limited government. Capitalism has been the driving force to our economy and when employers are not bounded by the red tape of government companies and employees can flourish.

What I find interesting is the fact the DNC Convention had decided to leave out the words GOD and Jerusalem on their platform this year. We will probably never understand why they chose to do so, but I am will to take a stab in the dark and say they were trying to go far left with a subtle message for those who are listening. However, that message was not so subtle. and the message was heard and covered by media outlets like ABC, Los Angeles Times, and Fox News.

Today the DNC Delegates had a vote on whether or not they should reinsert the words GOD and Jerusalem into their Platform. The DNC Chairman Villaraigosa came to the podium to take the 2/3 vote needed to change the platform. To his surprise and against what the DNC had scripted for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa the vote did not turn out the way the DNC planned. They had to take the vote a total of three times and it seemed when they finally decide that the delegates were more split than at a majority.

All said and done Mayor Villaraigosa continued to read the TelePrompTer and confirmed that the 2/3 majority had been reached to add GOD and Jerusalem back into the Platform.

I for one am glad they add GOD and Jerusalem back in but it seemed like they were more forced to do so because of the bad publicity they were getting in the media. So did they really change it for the right reasons?

I would like to hear your options. If you have not seen the video yet I am attaching to the bottom of this blog. You decide and please respond I would love to hear your responses.

Also don’t forget to follow my blog. If you have a smartphone you can take me with you. Solavei has unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network for only $49 per month or less. To find out more about Solavei click here to contact me.

Quality Family Time

In today’s fast pace world we all need to stop and ask ourselves “Are we spend enough quality time with our families?”

I am 35 years old married and have four kids. My oldest is seven and my youngest is 1 1/2. It seems like it was just yesterday that we brought our first kid home from the hospital. My wife and I had not clue on what we needed to do to take care of this little bundle of joy. Now she is seven years old and is already wanting to spend more time with her friends. My little girl is growing up. Soon it will not be cool to spend time with dad or mom.

My wife and I sat down and asked ourselves if we where spending enough quality time with our kids? And the answer was NO! Quite honestly most of our time was spent in front of the TV. We knew we needed to make a change so we sat down and figured out some inexpensive activities we could do as a family that did not cost to much money.

Some of the things we have decided to do is go fishing, hiking, playing at a park, going to state parks, taking walks and riding bikes in our neighborhood, and going to the baseball field here in town.

Fishing has really taken off this year with my two oldest kids. All I have to say is do you want to go fishing and they are jumping into my truck. As a matter of fact we are taking them all fishing for Labor Day. We are also going to bring a small grill with us so we can do a cook out/picnic as well.

While we are out fishing the kids like to listen to music. I make sure I bring along my smartphone so we can listen to Pandora. Solavei is a cell phone service provider that provides unlimited talk, text, and data for $49 or less a month. That is right I said or less. If you bring over you friends and family Solavei will pay you monthly as long as your customers have an active service. For more information on how you can get this service from Solavei contact me!