Tag Archives: Apple

iPhone 3G give away! September 29, 2012 to November 30, 2012

I am giving away one iPhone 3G to one of my new Solavei customers. This give away event will run from September 29, 2012 till November 30, 2012. Everyone who signs up for Solavei phone service under my account during this time will be entered into the drawing. Solavei Pre-Paid Phone Service is $49 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network.

To sign up for this great and affordable cell service go to http://www.solavei.com/myers Once you have activated you service you will be automatically entered into my drawing. The drawing will be held on December 15, 2012. I will notify the winner by email. I will also post the winner’s first name and the city they live in here on my blog and on facebook.

The iPhone 3G will be a refurbished 8G phone. The winner will have the option to pick either a white or black iPhone.

If you are related to me, you will be ineligible to enter the drawing. You still can sign up for service I would love you have you as a customer. I just don’t want a conflict of interest on the drawing.

Hurry and sign up today! The drawing will be held regardless of how many people sign up.

Thank you and I look forward for you to join me on the Solavei network!