Tag Archives: cell phone

iPhone 3G give away! September 29, 2012 to November 30, 2012

I am giving away one iPhone 3G to one of my new Solavei customers. This give away event will run from September 29, 2012 till November 30, 2012. Everyone who signs up for Solavei phone service under my account during this time will be entered into the drawing. Solavei Pre-Paid Phone Service is $49 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network.

To sign up for this great and affordable cell service go to http://www.solavei.com/myers Once you have activated you service you will be automatically entered into my drawing. The drawing will be held on December 15, 2012. I will notify the winner by email. I will also post the winner’s first name and the city they live in here on my blog and on facebook.

The iPhone 3G will be a refurbished 8G phone. The winner will have the option to pick either a white or black iPhone.

If you are related to me, you will be ineligible to enter the drawing. You still can sign up for service I would love you have you as a customer. I just don’t want a conflict of interest on the drawing.

Hurry and sign up today! The drawing will be held regardless of how many people sign up.

Thank you and I look forward for you to join me on the Solavei network!

Solavei Compensation Plan

I have been talking about Solavei for the last couple of weeks and I am really excited about Solavei. I truly believe this will be the vehicle I use to my financial freedom. Watch this video and decide if it is right for you. Sign up today!


Solavei Compensation Plan Overview from Solavei on Vimeo.

My Journey on the 17 Day Diet – Week 1 Video

Hey everyone I just finished my Video Blog on my progress for the first week on my journey to 200lbs. Please watch it and let me know what you think.


Weight loss challenge Week 1 – 17 Day Diet

OK, as I mentioned earlier this week I have set a goal to lose at least 76lbs. to get me down to 200lbs. Below is a list of everything I am going to do to be successful on this journey.

  1. The 17 Day Diet  downloadable PDF
  2. Lose It!
  3. Exercise with Andrea and Clinton
  4. Post results weekly here and on youtube

My buddy Kip, who is a truck driver, introduced me to the17 Day Diet. He has been doing the 17 Day Diet for a while now and has lost over 100lbs. WOW! That is great! Keep up the good work Kip. I know you will reach your goal.

On the 17 Day Diet you can eat as much as you want of certain foods and there are two different cycles that you can be on. The reason it is called the 17 Day Diet is because each cycle lasts 17 Days.

Now I am sure you read that on the 17 Day Diet you can eat all you want of certain foods and that is correct; however, I want to get the best results and to do it as quickly as I can. Therefore, I have incorporated the Lose It! website to help track my progress and limit my calorie intake to keep me on pace to lose two pounds a week without working out. That way when I work out I will hopefully lose more that two pounds a week. We will see what happens!

I am planning on working out with my wife Andrea and my friend Clinton. This week I did not work out at all but I have plans to begin working out on Monday. More than likely we will start out walking and increase from there.

And finally I will post my progress both here, on the blog, and on youtube. I should have my youtube post up either tonight or sometime on Sunday. Once it is posted I will also post the video at the bottom of this blog.

I am also providing a free copy of the 17 Day Diet, here on my blog, for anyone who would like to do it with me and I have also provided links throughout this blog to connect to Lose It! to track your calories.

OK enough about what I am doing to track and hold myself accountable on my weight lose journey.  Let me tell you what happened this week and report my progress.

I weighed in on Tuesday 9/4/12 at 276lbs. I have cut out all fast food and Coke this week. Lose It! said that I should only eat 2182 calorie a day. Let me tell you, when you are eating salads, chicken, turkey, egg whites, Kefir, and a few things that are not on the diet like my peanut butter crackers, it is very hard to reach that 2182 caloric goal. Below is a daily list of the calories I consumed.

  • Tuesday       1306
  • Wednesday  1525
  • Thursday      1006
  • Friday           2283

Let me tell you a quick story about Friday-it was the only day I was over my calorie limit for the day. Andrea called me on the way home and asked me to pick up fried chicken for dinner. I reminded her that was not on our diet but since we both had been having an issue getting all of our calories for a day we decided to have the fried chicken.

The fried chicken was very good but when it was time for me to log my chicken on Lose It! I was shocked how many calories I had just consumed. I ate two chicken breasts, skin and all. My total calorie intake for the chicken only was a whopping 1279 calorie. That was more calorie than I had eaten all day!  Just my protein for dinner! Needless to say, I will not be eating any fried chicken any time soon. I would rather spend those calories eating more food that will keep me feeling full rather than to eat the fried chicken.

When I stepped on the scale this morning I was not really sure what it would read, especially after Friday night’s dinner. But I weighed in at 169lbs. WOW!! I could not believe it. I know most of the weight lose is due to not eating fast food or drinking soda but I am heading in the right direction.

I also wanted to mention that I am tracking all of my calories on Lose It! through my smartphone app. I am on the Solavei network. You can get unlimited talk, text and data on a 4G network for only $49 a month or LESS! That is right, I said LESS. Solavei will pay you monthly $20 for every three active members you bring over. So if you get 9 people signed up for cell service through Solavei your phone service will be free! Now that is a great deal!

For more information on Solavei click here and fill out my contact form. I will get in touch with you and help you get started.

Please follow me here and on youtube. Join my weight loss challenge and post your commitment and progress both here and on youtube. Keep an eye out for next weeks post.

I am also thinking about posting some of the meals we are making and the amount of calories each of meals are.

Check back regularly!

Job numbers and Unemployement Rate Updates for Sept,7 2012

US job numbers were just release this morning. Only 96K jobs were added in for the month of August. The US economy needs to create in the ball park of 250K jobs a month to keep on with population growth. Most media outlets were speculating the report to show job creation right around 200K. This is a serious disappointment.

On the bright side of the story the Unemployment rate dropped to 8.1% I am sure a lot of people will play the spin that the economy is going in the right direction and the decrease in the Unemployment rate as an indicator that things are looking up.

Do not be fooled! The main reason the Unemployment rate dropped was because the labor participation rate had decrease by 386K people. That mean 386K people gave up looking for a job. And if you added back in all of the people that have given up looking for a job over the pass few years our Unemployment rate would be near 11%

This is not good new for our economy. We are seeing a recovery but I would call it a flat line recovery at best if we are not getting ready to go the other direction. I pray that this is not the case. Please reply to my blog and let me know what you think about the state of our economy and the direction you think we are going.
I keep track of all my current event on my smartphone. The service I use is Solavei. No contract and unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network for only $49 a month. Best of all if you share with your friends and family you can get the service for FREE.

To find our more click here and fill out my contact form. I will send you and email before I give you a call.

Also don’t forget to follow my blog.That button is on the right side of the page. Thanks

386,000 came out of the labor participation

Limited Time Only!!! Buy one month of cell service get the second FREE with Solavei!!!

That is right Solavei’s national launch is this coming September 21 2012. Solavei is taking orders and signing people up starting Sunday September 9, 2012 and running a special till Monday night at midnight September 10, 2012.

So what is the special?

Sign up during these two days and get a month of service for FREE!

Solavei is on a 4G network and offers unlimited talk, text, and data for ONLY $49 a month.

So what are you looking at paying?

If you have a smartphone or can get a smartphone that is compatible with their network, they are on the T-mobile network then your cost will be $49 for the service and $29 for the sim card for a total of $78 plus tax.

That will get you on the plan and you will get two months of service for the price on one! That is a great deal!
Now if you don’t have a smartphone that is compatible or you just want to buy a new phone you can also get one from Solavei. They have three different smartphones to choose from currently.

This is the route I went with and I chose the cheapest phone they had to offer my total bill was $226 and change. That got me a brand new smartphone and two months of service.

Best of all when you share Solavei with your friends, Solavei will pay you! That is right Solavei will pay you monthly $20 for every 3 active accounts you have under you. So if you get 9 friends and family members signed up under you, you will not have another cell phone bill. YOUR SERVICE WILL BE FREE!!! How great is that!

For more information on how to sign up and get service with Solavei click here and fill out my contact page.

Are you paying too much for unlimited talk, text, and data

For more information on how you can get unlimited talk, text, and data on a 4G network for $49 a month or even FREE click here and fill out my contact form.

What is Solavei?

Social Networking and Commerce

They describe it as a platform that enables participants to connect, share and capitalize on the power of social networks.

Yes, this is simply “Word of Mouth” advertising and sales. Yes, this is network marketing but… This is like taking candy from a baby… a $49 Unlimited Voice Text and Data with NO CONTRACT?

Here’s a hint, there’s a lot more stuff that we enjoy and use everyday, if you know what I mean…  This is going to be huge.

Turn me loose…


What is Solavei?

The dream child of the Founder and CEO Ryan Wuerch; an experienced telecommunications executive, who had personally seen the inner workings of huge corporations that wasted incredible amounts of time and energy on advertising, resulting in increased prices for the end consumers.

Solavei is led by some heavy hitters in business… former Fortune 100 telecom and retail executives and advisers.

“We are going to make a difference in people’s lives by shifting billions of dollars from traditional mass-media advertising into the greatest advertising vehicle today – people. Solavei is the first company to create an economic linkage between mobile service, social commerce and social-networking technology. We give people the opportunity to earn income by using and promoting the services they are already consuming each and every day.”

-Ryan Wuerch, CEO of Solavei

With these goals in mind, Ryan Wuerch laid the foundation for Solavei.


How do you get in on this?

While in prelaunch the only way to join Solavei is by being invited by an existing member. This is simply a pre-registration process and there is no cost and no obligation.

What it does for you is give you access to company information as it’s released, be one of the first to use this unique service, and with our help, you’ll have the opportunity to start sharing with others as you grow your own lane.

People will be curious about this unprecedented Mobile Plan and most will immediately recognize they are overpaying for theirs.

It’s not hard to imagine getting your service for FREE, and actually making a considerable income.

Be sure to take a peek at the compensation plan that will allow you to make up to $20,000 per month and more!


What is Solavei?

Nothing short of the Best Opportunity of 2012.

Click here to request your invitation, and let’s begin!

If you enjoyed this post, please “like and share” this content

For more information on What is Solavei?

End:  What is Solavei?

Solavei Scam or a Great Opportunity? You be the Judge!

Whenever a new player comes on the scene with a slightly different vision the naysayer’s chorus begins… Solavei is a Scam!

Is Solavei a Scam?  Far from it!

Ignore the uninformed and misinformed because here are some facts that clearly show why this will be a very unique and potentially lucrative business opportunity.

Solavei uses the T-Mobile Network

Solavei operates as an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) through a strategic partnership with T-Mobile USA.

That means that Solavei is a wireless communications services provider that does not own the wireless network it uses to provide services to its customers.

Solavei has a reseller business agreement with a T-Mobile to obtain bulk access to network services at wholesale rates…. Then resell them to you.

Solavei Markets through Customers

Solavei uses a direct marketing – network marketing strategy to advertise and sell its services. This is a very common marketing structure that builds a network of affiliate resellers who operate and advertise independently.

In so doing, Solavei eliminates the hundreds of millions of dollars for advertising typically spent by major retail corporations and the equally costly retail outlet network that is bringing many corporations to their knees.

This money is then paid as commissions and bonuses directly to the network of resellers who work as independent operators while selling within the companies guidelines.

Anyone familiar with the network marketing giants like Shaklee, Amway, Kirby, Mary Kay, Herbalife and others understand how successful a marketing structure like this can be…

Not to mention that some of these companies have used MLM marketing as the basis for their marketing for over 50 years. It has long ago been proven that network marketing is the fastest growth vehicle for any company.

The Solavei Management Team

Solavei has an impressive management team starting with the CEO and Founder Ryan Wuerch who has an extensive background in Telecommunications and business.

If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of this company and the opportunity they offer, take a look at the Solavei Leadership Team surrounding Ryan…

Ryan Wuerch – Founder & CEO

Ryan is a seasoned and proven leader with experience including roles as CEO, chairman, and key visionary. Prior to founding Solavei, Wuerch founded Motricity, a mobile data services company that he grew into a publicly traded enterprise worth over $1 billion, creating significant investment returns for investors. He served as president for Learning 2000, Inc., an education software company, from 1998 to 2001, and as senior vice president of ShapeRite, a nutritional supplement manufacturer, from 1995 to 1998. He was named the 2010 Pacific Northwest and 2005 Carolinas Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year. Wuerch’s current board positions include the Miss America Organization and the Washington Roundtable, a nonprofit public policy organization composed of Washington State chief executive officers. In addition, he is an ambassador for the Internet Innovation Alliance in Washington D.C.

John Rittenhouse – Chief Operating Officer

Chairman of Cavallino Capital, former COO of Walmart, Louis Vuitton, and Target

Jose Rojas – Head of Operations

Former JPMorgan Chase Payments executive, McKinsey & Co., U.S. Army aviator

Allyn Hebner – Head of Finance

Former chief accounting officer of T-Mobile and CFO of Motricity

Rick White – Head of Legal and Policy

Former U.S. congressman, attorney at Perkins Coie, CEO of Technet

Jim Ryan – Head of Products

Former head of Mobile Data Services of AT&T, Sprint, O2, CSMO at Motricity

Robert A. McFadden – Head of Sales

Former president of Viridian Network

Maria Pinchevsky – Head of Member Experience

Former VP of customer service at T-Mobile

Stan Simpliciano – Head of Mobile Network Services

Former T-Mobile head of MVNO/M2M, Naval aviator

Larry Wallace – Head of Corporate Development

Former VP of Global OEM and OS Services at Motricity

Jason Genthner – Head of Corporate Communications

Former communications executive at Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Jason McKinnis – Head of Marketing and Brand

Former head of brand and marketing communications at Motricity, Infospace

Board of Advisors and Investors

Sue Nokes

SVP of Asurion, former COO and CCO of T-Mobile

Jon Miller

Chief digital officer of News Corp, former chairman and CEO of AOL

David Limp

VP of Amazon, former CSO of Palm and Liberate

Brian Turner

Former CFO of Coinstar (Redbox), RealNetworks, and Bsquare

Roland Van de Meer

Managing director of Fuse Capital, former founder and managing partner of ComVentures

Brian Long

Managing partner of Atlantic Bridge Capital, founder of Parthus Technologies

David Burnett

Managing Member of Bright Rivers Capital, on the board of the Joshua Green Corporation

Eddie Lazarus

Former chief of staff of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), attorney Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld

Solavei Scam or a Great Opportunity?

Along with banking, investing and transportation… telecommunications is one of the most highly regulated industries operating in the U. S.  Rest assured that this company’s business model was probed, prodded and examined by our Government.

If your still a skeptic contact the FCC to learn about the massive legal compliance and authorization hurdles a company like this has faced to open it’s doors.

Solavei Scam or a Great Opportunity?

You decide!  When you do we are here to help you succeed…

Be a Part of  Our Solavei Team

End: Solavei Scam or a Great Opportunity?