Tag Archives: Chocolate bar

My weight loss challenge Day One!

OK so as I mentioned before I am on a wait loss challenge with a goal to lose 70lbs. I weighted in at a whopping 276 lbs. I have been hovering around this number for the last couple of years. My ideal weight I would like to see myself at is 200lbs.

I am tracking my calorie intake through Lose It! and I have set a goal of losing 2lbs. a week. At this rate my calorie intake for the day should be 2150 calories a day. For my first day where I did not have a coke, candy bar, or fast food I only eat 1300 calories.

I am going to do a better job over this coming week on eating more food that is health for me so I can get to my 2150 calories a day. I will be tracking my goal through my smartphone and the google android app for Lost It! You should look at Solavei for you smartphone service provider. Solavei offers Unlimited talk, text, and data for only $49 a month or LESS! That is right I said Less! If you bring over your friends and family to Solavei, Solavei will pay you monthly for every three people you have with an active account. With only 9 people signed up under you, you will get your phone service for FREE!! NOW IS THAT A DEAL OR WHAT! For more information on Solavei contact me today!

Also check back I will post my results on my weight loss progress at the end of the week.