Tag Archives: DNC

DNC Delegates divided over adding GOD and Jerusalem to the platform

I am one who you will not hear to much from when it comes to politics. But I do believe in GOD, strong family values, and limited government. Capitalism has been the driving force to our economy and when employers are not bounded by the red tape of government companies and employees can flourish.

What I find interesting is the fact the DNC Convention had decided to leave out the words GOD and Jerusalem on their platform this year. We will probably never understand why they chose to do so, but I am will to take a stab in the dark and say they were trying to go far left with a subtle message for those who are listening. However, that message was not so subtle. and the message was heard and covered by media outlets like ABC, Los Angeles Times, and Fox News.

Today the DNC Delegates had a vote on whether or not they should reinsert the words GOD and Jerusalem into their Platform. The DNC Chairman Villaraigosa came to the podium to take the 2/3 vote needed to change the platform. To his surprise and against what the DNC had scripted for Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa the vote did not turn out the way the DNC planned. They had to take the vote a total of three times and it seemed when they finally decide that the delegates were more split than at a majority.

All said and done Mayor Villaraigosa continued to read the TelePrompTer and confirmed that the 2/3 majority had been reached to add GOD and Jerusalem back into the Platform.

I for one am glad they add GOD and Jerusalem back in but it seemed like they were more forced to do so because of the bad publicity they were getting in the media. So did they really change it for the right reasons?

I would like to hear your options. If you have not seen the video yet I am attaching to the bottom of this blog. You decide and please respond I would love to hear your responses.

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