Tag Archives: rentals

How to find a great deal on a house

I bought my home that I live in today for only $8500. Yes $8500 and it is not a piece of crap. 3/1 1700sqft with a full basement.
The house was a REO and had been vacant for about 2 years. I negotiated with the bank and made them full aware of all the issues with the home and that I was willing to pay cash and close quickly. After about two weeks of talks they agreed on $8500.
Now I will say I did have to put some money into the house and I still have to remodel my bathroom but let me be the first to tell you it is great knowing that all I have to pay on my home is the yearly property taxes and insurance.
It is a far cry from the $1700 a month mortgage I had on a smaller house in Florida.
Everyone keep your eyes open and call your locate banks for a list of REOs. If you think they have every home they have on their books listed you are seriously mistaken. Banks are only bring a few homes to the market at a time to help keep home prices stable.
There are good deals out there keep you eyes pealed.
If you have any question on how I did what I did reply to this posting and I will go into more detail.
I will also post a few pictures on some of the remodeling we did last summer before we moved in.

I will say that one of the things you will need is a good smart phone so when you are out looking at homes you can pull up different site like zillow. I have a service that pay you, Solavei! $49 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data. contact me for more information and to sign up. myerskj13@gmail.com